偏瘫: hemiplegia半身不遂: hemiplegia; paralysis of hal ...半身不遂 偏瘫: hemiparalysis偏瘫半身不遂: hemiplegy hemiplegia偏瘫、半身不遂、身体的一边瘫痪: hemiplegia半身不遂: [医学] hemiplegia; paralysis of half of one's body半身不遂的: half paralyzed; half-paralyzed外感半身不遂: exogenous hemiplegia遂见半身不遂隋: the sui dynasty a surname不遂: [书面语] (不如愿) fail; fail to materialize半身惊厥-偏瘫-癫痫综合征: hemiconvulsion hemiplegia epilepsy syndrome半身: 1.(半截身子) half of one's body2.(空铅的排版尺寸) en◇半身空铅 [印刷] en quad; 半身铅线 en rule; en score偏瘫: [医学] hemiplegic paralysis; hemiplegia; semisideratio; semisideration; semiplegia◇偏瘫者 hemiptegic僻不遂: facial paralysis and hemiplegia after apoplexy身不仁: numbness of the body身不正: wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body肩臂不遂: motor impairment of the shoulder and arm情志不遂: emotional frustratin; emotional frustraton; emotional upset上肢不遂: moter impairment of the upper extremities; muscles of the extremities所谋不遂: fail in an attempt中风不遂: apoplectic dyscinesia半身椽: half length半身的: half-length半身甲: half-plate半身矛: spear